Deborah Meaden Profile

About Deborah

Deborah launched her own glass and ceramics export company straight out of business college and has since made her name in the holiday park business.

Deborah's career to date

Dissatisfied with the franchise model, Deborah sold her share to her business partner. With several successful businesses in the leisure and retail sector under her belt, she joined her family's business.

Starting out on the shop floor, Deborah eventually became Managing Director of her family's holiday park business, Weststar Holidays. Deborah went on to acquire the major shareholding in a management buyout, later selling the company in a deal worth £33m whilst retaining a 23% stake.

Deborah still retained an active role at Weststar, but began to devote more time to finding good investment opportunities, including those she found on Dragons' Den, which she joined from Series Three.

In August 2007, she sold her remaining stake in Weststar Holidays for £83m, before making her first investment in a market research company, reflecting her interest and experience in marketing, brands and communications.

Deborah lives in Somerset with husband Paul, Friday the cat, two dogs, five horses, eleven chickens and four ducks.


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